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Simian Portal Live Examples

By clicking the button below you will visit the Simian Portal live examples environment as a user (versus administrator). The Portal hosts a number of deployed sample web apps aimed at giving you a feeling of what components are available, and to give you a sense of what a real Simian web app is like.

You will be asked to register using a valid email address after which you will receive an activation link. asks you to register to:

  1. Allow for demonstration of one of the key Simian capabilities: The ability to work in a web-app, to sign out, and to return to the exact same state of the web-app when you left to continue your work. Your web-app instances are isolated from the work others do.
  2. Help keeping bots out.
  3. Be able to get in touch with you to hear about your findings.
We do not share or sell your email address.
We may contact you to hear about your findings.
You can always ask us to remove your registration at